A Cake to Remember for Hillary Clinton

It’s not everyday a small time cake decorator gets the opportunity to create a cake for a celebrity.  Recently Cynthia’s Cakes was honored to create a cake for Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.  Her visit to McAllen, Texas was met with great anticipation.  Here is an exclusive look at this memorable cake for a memorable event.   Special detailing in edible ink was etched onto the tiers indicating the positions she is running for the American people.  She loved the cake!!!

A closer look at the cake Cynthia and her staff created for Mrs. Clinton

A closer look at the cake Cynthia and her staff created for Mrs. Clinton

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  • January 28, 2017 - 10:32 pm

    Lucy rodriguez - I have a cousin that is related to you and I tasted your cakes and they are the best . Looking for a cake big enough for 15 – 20 people .She is a cheerleader in high school and compteive cheer.ReplyCancel

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